Yamcha's Main Page
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DragonBall Series PLs
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Welcome To My New Anime Site!
Hey, it's me again, the creator of The Zack Knightblade Shrine. Well here is my new site, Yamcha's House of Pain. I was trying to figure out which Dragon Ball guy was cooler and it dawned on me, Yamcha!(duh) Here you can look some things on DB up, and of course Yamcha. |
Listing Site Updates
12/24/00 It's going to take me a long time but I will put up all the DragonBall PLs. 12/23/00 The Profiles, other characters and links are up. The Guest Book is in! Please leave comments there 12/22/00 The Site has begun....or at least sort of, Yamcha's House of Pain will hopefully be one of my better sites.
Below is my new AIM remote, just click the button to talk with me and if I'm one we can chat!
Below this message you will find the login for Animenation's e-mail accounts. Just a few simple steps and you'll be able to have a e-mail from over 50 differnt addresses!
Send an e-mail to my Animenation account
WebRings I'm in! Click the first one and look at mine. You can join it if you have an anime site. The second one is one a joined.

Click the pic to go to Another of my DBZ Sites.
Below you can send an e-mail to my AOL account, or you can use the other one to send one to my AnimeNation e-mail.
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