Son Goku(DB)
Son Goku was the star of DragonBall, as an adult he is the star of DragonBall Z but I like him as a kid better. He lived in his little cottage that belonged to his grandfather(named Gohan). After teaming up with Bulma he defeats Pilaf, and the Red Ribbon Army. When he meets Master Roshi, Roshi gives him a Flying Nimbus, which allows traveling to go a whole lot faster. He also trains with him and meets his life-time friend, Krillin. They both enter the Tenkaichi Boudaki, and lose horribly to Master Roshi(dressed as Jackie Chun). Also althought at the end of DBGT his PL is 1,000,000,000 he is only at 120 now. He also meets his later wife, Chi-Chi, his other life-long friend, Yamcha, and Dr. Gero, an all time baddie. Son Goku's trademark move is Kamehameah Wave.