Yamcha's Profile
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Yamcha's History
Yamcha was introduced as a desert bandit in DragonBall. At first he just wanted to rob Goku and gang, but instead trys to get the Dragon balls from them(He wants to wish to not be shy around girls). After defeating Pilaf, he and Bulma get together, then he entered the Tenkaichi Boudikas and lost in them. He trains more and later becomes a baseball player for the Titans. He is shortly fired after a huge dugout fight. Throughout the series Yamcha goes on to fight beside Goku and the rest of the Z Warriors, then to die twice. He also gets dumped by Bulma for the same guy that killed him, Vegeta. Also throughout the show Yamcha goes through many different hair styles(Some of which I will display). Yamcha's trademark move is Wolf's Fang Fist.